Queer Armor: recopila y crea Monkey of Affect Metals

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Queer Armor: recopila y crea Monkey of Affect Metals

En esta entrevista con Abe, el creador de Affect Metals, hablamos sobre el reciclaje corporal a través de los tatuajes y la inclusión queer.

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EmpezarAbe of Affect Metals - foto de Paula Neves

Abe of Affect Metals – foto de Paula Neves

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Rllysoft con Affect Metals #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style # jewelry # sex toys #fetishwear

Monique alias weirdandskinny, Butter Ball alias iambutterball y Daria alias Bored Lord con Affect Metals - foto de Alexandra KachaLauren Crow vistiendo Affect Metals y abrazándose con las creaciones de Rose Greenberg - fotografiando la transnormatividad #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingery #fashion #style #jewelry #sextoys #fetishwearVetivert con Affect Metals - fotografía de Rob Fatal #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style # jewelry # sex toys #fetishwear

Cley aka cley.jpg vistiendo Affect Metals #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingeri #fashion #style #jewellery # sex toys # fetish clothes

Cley aka cley.jpg vistiendo Affect Metals #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingeri #fashion #style #jewellery # sex toys # fetish clothes

Sarz alias bodyofsarz con Affect Metals - foto de Abe alias Sad Sack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style #jewellery #sextoys #fetishwearMono con Affect Metals - fotografía de Alexandra Kacha #Abe #SadSack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style #jewellery #sextoys #fetishwearMordaza de bola de la colaboración de Affect Metals y Chakrubs #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingeri #fashion #style #jewellery # sex toys # fetish clothes

Daria alias Bored Lord con Affect Metals - foto de Abe alias Sad Sack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingery #fashion #style #jewellery #sextoys #fetishwear

Daria alias Bored Lord con Affect Metals – foto de Abe alias Sad Sack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingery #fashion #style #jewellery #sextoys #fetishwear

Rllysoft con Affect Metals - fotografía de Abe alias Sad Sack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style # jewelry # sex toys #fetishwearMono con Affect Metals - fotografía de Astraia Esprit #Abe #SadSack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingery #fashion #style #jewellery #sextoys #fetishwearMonique también conocida como weirdandskinny con Affect Metals - foto de Alexandra Kacha

Sarz con Affect Metals - foto de Abe alias Sad Sack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingeri #fashion #style #jewellery #sextoys #fetishwearAffect Metals flogger atrapado por Alexandra Kacha #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingeri #fashion #style #jewellery #sextoys #fetishwearDonovan Francisco Acuña usando Affect Metals - Foto de Abe aka Sad Sack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style #Jewelry #sextoys #fetishwear

Mono con Affect Metals - fotografía de Paula Neves #Abe #SadSack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style #jewellery #sextoys #fetishwear

Monkey Wearing Affect Metals – Foto de Paula Neves

Jaci V con Affect Metals - foto de Abe alias Sad Sack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingeri #fashion #style #jewellery #sextoys #fetishwear

Jaci V con Affect Metals – foto de Abe alias Sad Sack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingeri #fashion #style #jewellery #sextoys #fetishwear

Elaine con Affect Metals - fotografía de Nina Hawkins #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style # jewelry # sex toys #fetishwear

Elaine con Affect Metals – fotografía de Nina Hawkins #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style # jewelry # sex toys #fetishwear

Lauren Crow vistiendo Affect Metals y abrazándose con las creaciones de Rose Greenberg - fotografiando la transnormatividad #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingery #fashion #style #jewelry #sextoys #fetishwearAbe alias Sad Sack con Affect Metals - fotografía de Astraia Esprit #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style #jewellery #sextoys #fetishwearesto da miedo usar Affect Metals - fotografía de Abe alias Sad Sack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style # jewelry # sex toys #fetishweariambutterball con Affect Metals - fotografía de Alexandra Kacha #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style # jewelry # sex toys #fetishwearBobbi Joy Wearing Affect Metals - Fotografía de Alex Kacha #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style # jewelry # sex toys #fetishwearesto da miedo usar Affect Metals - fotografía de Abe alias Sad Sack #AffectMetals #tattoocollector #queerarmor #chainmail #metalworking #lingerie #fashion #style # jewelry # sex toys #fetishwear


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